New Year Resolution

According to Wikipedia, “ A New Year’s resolution is a tradition, most common in the Western Hemisphere but also found in the Eastern Hemisphere, in which a person resolves to change an undesired trait or behavior, to accomplish a personal goal or otherwise improve their life.”

However, whatever part of the world you live in, a resolution to change always starts with the mind. A mind that has intention, direction, focus, or even a goal is the start of forward progress. More specifically, mindfulness of the changes you want to make in your life is essential.

As much as I really don’t watch TV it was interesting hearing the hosts on different networks asking the same thing to random people in the NYE celebration crowds, “ what was the most memorable moment(s) for you of 2019?”

As you can imagine there were some outrageous and some actually insightful responses. And then there were some who were at a loss for words and then just blurted something to fill the silence, followed by awkward yeahhh 2020!

Hearing these responses made me realize how mindful and how mindless some of us really are. However, the bigger question is why the disparity in responses.

The truth is our life is truly precious, each week, day, second or moment. My proposition to you this first day of the year of the new decade is to be mindful every day and to not just wait till the end of the year to look back.

Instead, be present, be here, be mindful…and create and life for you and your children without a resolution for next, well at least try your best. 

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