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Mindfulness Tips for Kids

What is mindfulness

Mindfulness is being aware of how you feel and your surroundings. It is taking the time to examine your body and how you feel in the present. This is something you can practice every day by just taking a few minutes to yourself. Not only should you be practicing this, but you should teach your kids to do it too. This is something the entire family can practice, and it will help you feel closer.

Why kids should practice mindfulness

This will help your kids identify how they are feeling, and they will be able to take the time to think about it. They will be able to learn to communicate how they are feeling and less explosive when they’re expressing their emotions.

Learning to communicate with you and others will help them feel one with the world. It will increase how happy they are, and that is an essential thing for them to be successful. Practicing mindfulness will help decrease anxiety, that isn’t just for kids; it is for you too. Mindfulness is something you can practice every single day.

Tips to teach your kids

Emotions- Let them express feelings in the minute. Ask them what they are feeling in their body right that second. The more they understand their inner self, the better they will be able to tell you.

Move- Maybe not a workout as you would do, but going for a walk together can teach your kids a lot. It can help you bond and feel in touch with the universe. Moving is something that is important for your child to learn at a young age.

Breathe- If your kid is feeling overwhelmed, take a minute to breathe with the. Instead of you and your kid reacting to something, take a minute and breathe. Kneel with them, acknowledge the feelings and take three deep breaths together.

Don’t force things- Mindfulness is something you will not be able to teach your kids overnight. So don’t try to force this. It will take time for your kids to learn, and it is essential to let them learn at their own pace.

Gratitude- If your kids love to write or draw stories, they can start a gratitude journal. Writing is a great way to keep them practicing things to be grateful for.

Be the role model- Your child looks up to you. Any child you are surrounded by will look up to you. If you take a few minutes to be mindful every single day, your kids will see that and follow you by example. It is so important to practice mindfulness when you are teaching it.

Final thoughts

Mindfulness is one of the best ways to feel fulfilled, and a way to feel one with the universe. It will teach you patience, and in return, it will show your kids how to be patient. They will know what it is like to be with someone who is kind and one with the universe. You will be one to lead by example, and in return, they will teach others about mindfulness.

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