Mindful Breathing

Breathing is essential to life

Breathing is essential to life. It ensures that all our bodily processes are working smoothly on a micro and macro level. Breathing is so important you are doing it now, without even thinking about it.

However, there are great advantages when you do think about it.

As the start of the week hits, there are daily pressures, deadlines and stressful situations that cause unneeded and unnecessary anxiety, tension and stress.

To help combat this, take time out to practice mindful breathing. You can literally just sit down for a couple minutes on break. Close your eyes and take deep breaths, inhaling and exhaling while clearing your mind of unwanted thoughts.

Mindful Breathing

Do this a little bit every day until you begin to notice your body instantly relax in response to your breathing. It will become much easier over time.

But adults, are not the only ones who can benefit from mindful breathing. When your little ones seem to be upset, try a breathing simple breathing exercise with them.

Trying sitting down with them and have them close their eyes. See if they can think of one thing which brings them joy while continuing their focused breathing. Ask them to keep thinking about that happy thought while taking controlled breaths.

See if this helps calm them in any way and if it doesn’t that’s ok. Just like adults this is not an exact science so for some it may take time. Just remember there is power in mindfulness breathing and it gets better the more you do it.

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