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Daily Mindfulness Minute

Mindfulness Guide for Beginners

Introduction to mindfulness

In everyday life, we sometimes forget to stop and breathe throughout the day. We forget that it’s essential to take a few minutes for ourselves each day, and this can lead to a feeling of being run down. In such a busy life, we must be able to stop and appreciate our bodies and our surroundings. You may be wondering how you can achieve this because you’re always on the go. Well, the great news is you can practice being mindful anywhere and in just a few minutes. One minute a day to practice mindfulness could change your life.

What is mindfulness?

Mindfulness is simply the act of being physically conscious for just a few minutes. Taking a few minutes to be mindful of your body and emotions can have an outstanding impact. One minute of mindfulness can help you distress, lower your blood pressure, it can also help your body relax in a tense situation.

It is essential to take just one minute to acknowledge the situation you are in with no judgments. Mindfulness is a way to accept how you’re feeling in the present moment, be aware of your surroundings, and let the feelings flow smoothly in and out of you.

Components of mindfulness

When you begin practicing mindfulness, there are three main things or elements you should try to focus on.

•    Attention- Pay attention to how you’re feeling at the moment. Pay attention to where you are in the moment and acknowledge it. 

•    Intention- Set a purpose for this one-minute mindfulness. Is your aim to find a second to breathe through a stressful moment? Or maybe your objective is to take a minute to appreciate your surroundings. 

•    Attitude- Take the one minute you set aside and set aside any judgments and accept your perspective on a situation.

These are the three components of mindfulness and what you should try to focus on when beginning this journey.

Small ways you can practice being mindful

If you have more time to take a more extended break to practice mindfulness, a great thing you can do is take a short walk. It doesn’t have to be an hour, but a short 15-minute walk could really change how you are feeling throughout the day.

Putting on a smile. Our faces are full of muscles, and smiling is actually easier for us than frowning. A simple smile can promote happiness and boost your mood.

Stretch and breathe. When we are moving our body and focusing on breathing, we are being mindful of how our body is moving. There are so many simple ways you can practice mindfulness. You can simply find an activity you enjoy and do it while being conscious about your mental and physical state.

Final Thoughts

When you’re new to practicing mindfulness, it can seem a bit silly, but it really will help lower anxiety and stress. Taking one minute a day can help shape the outcome of your day and even how productive you are. There are many ways you can practice mindfulness, and you can go out and experiment with what works best for you and then share your knowledge!

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