Is your kid a picky eater?

I saw this in a post the other day and it resonated with me so I thought I would share it with all of you.

If anyone loves to see their children enjoy their food, I do! I am a self-proclaimed foodie, not really lol, but I do love eating and watching my kids eat. Unfortunately, one of kids has somewhat of a “sensory” issue when it comes to food.

Like many other kids, he is a picky eater, but over time he has learned to tell us why he doesn’t like certain foods. It was definitely hard for me at first because I was a good eater growing up and my other kids have a healthy appetite as well.

However, with a genuine concern to continuously help my son with his eating habits I’ve learned that some of his favorite foods are dry and crunchy, they must fit that criteria.

Fortunately, good and bad foods alike fit in this category such as grains and granola and ..McDonald French fries lol. Yet every day I am mindful as to what he likes and creative ways to make the best of a limited selection of foods to offer.

Breakthroughs we’ve had is when include my son in first seeing the foods we buy so that he has a interest as to what he will eat. Sometimes curiosity triggers new interests. After all, we all have different tastes.

We’ve even taken him to buffets and had him try foods he likes. My wife and I figure if he doesn’t like what we cook at least here has more choices and potentially more opportunities to try new foods.

Lastly, one other way we “sneak in “ new foods is by mixing them in a blender with his favorite shakes. As long as the flavor tastes familiar he doesn’t mind or at least know what else is in the shake.

These are just some of the things we’ve found success with. I figure if I post this I might be able to help at least one picky eater.

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