Mindful Eating and Mindful Food

salad, fruits, berries

Mindful eating and mindful foods often go hand in hand as mindful eating requires an awareness of what foods are healthy and not healthy for you.

Food has a plethora of benefits but also can impact you negatively depending on many factors such as types of food (fried, fatty, processed, organic, etc. ) or even the amount of the portion eaten.

There is an active intention on what you want to eat as well as how much. Even the experience of eating can deal with mindfulness as there are tastes, textures and sensations involved with the actual process of eating.

Now as there are many mindful foods to choose from, here are my top 3.

1. Pomegranates

pomegranate, table, red

Pomegranates have ancient roots in many cultures across the world. It is considered a blessed fruit in Buddhism, an ancient symbol for fertility in Greece and Rome.

Yet the fruit itself has an abundance of nutrition, not to mention textures when opening and actually eating the actual fruit.

The colors of the fruit are beautiful. Also, pomegranates are packed with antioxidants and an amazing taste this ranks on the top.

2. Coconuts

Coconuts are another amazing fruit that is packed with mindful benefits. Coconuts are used in multiple formulations such as coconut oil, water, or in its rawest form.

The amazing taste of coconut “juice” is refreshing and is widely known for its benefits for weight loss and constipation.

Recent studies have even shown its medicinal effects with Alzheimer’s. A fruit like this is a mindful essential.

3. Oranges

tangerines, citrus, fruit

Oranges are one of the most underrated mindful fruits. Nowadays people resort to the local pharmacy to purchase a bottle of vitamin C.

Yet eating oranges or from its families, such as clementines or tangerines will supply the body with the necessary vitamin C needed. Even the experience of peeling an orange and the citrus’s cutting into your senses can bring a smile on someone’s face.

Next time for dessert, leave the ice cream in the fridge and serve a tray full of ready peeled oranges, your kids will love it!

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