epidemic, wuhan''s virus, quarantine

7 Mindful Tips to Stay Healthy and Prevent the Corona Virus Outbreak

1. Social Distancing:

This has shown to be one of the most effective precautionary measures in preventing the transmission of the corona virus. Social distancing requires that if you have to interact with people such as at the grocery store, cleaners, pharmacy, etc., you should stand at least 6 feet apart and avoiding mass gatherings. Research has shown the corona virus can be transmitted via droplets through coughing and sneezing, so physically distancing yourself is one of the keyways to protect yourself.  Social distance creates a physical barrier so virus transmission is limited or its risk of transmission is drastically lowered.

2. Washing Your Hands:

This cannot be stressed enough as people are beginning to believe hand sanitizer is just as effective than washing your hands.  Physically scrubbing your hands with soap and water for at least 20-40 seconds has shown to be way more effective than hand sanitizer.  Furthermore, hand sanitizer must have at least 60% alcohol content to even be effective.  Therefore, anytime you are coming close to touching your mouth, eyes, nose or any type of orifical anatomy, make sure you have washed your hands thoroughly.

3. Do Your Part to Prevent the Spread of Germs

Whether you are sick or not, everyone has that eventual sneeze or cough.  Do your part and cover your cough or sneeze with the inside of your elbow.  Do not sneeze or cough into your hands as this can be easily transferrable.  Also, if you are caretaker or any type of health professional, take appropriate measures to sanitize yourself after your exposure to your patients.  Before having to social interact with others such as your own family, keep your work clothes and shoes quarantined in a designated part of the house and take a shower before any type of social interaction.

4. Workstation Wipe down

The workspace environment may differ depending on the type of occupation.  Regardless of whether your workstation is a computer, desk, or cubicle, you should be frequently wiping down work related surfaces to avoid virus transmission.  In addition, be sure that you are providing sufficient time for the chemicals in the cleaners to work.  Furthermore, certain cleaners may require at least a couple minutes to sit on the counter to eliminate viruses.

5. Food Preparation

One of the best ways to prevent the Corona virus is through healthy nutrition. Healthy nutrition helps to ensure our bodies are in tip top shape to combat any type of infection. Especially during a time where food may seem scarce, choosing healthy foods is important.  The challenge is to purchase a sufficient amount of healthy foods while the current selection available is limited. Depending on your state, you may have mandatory quarantine order, so times to go grocery shopping are limited.  Even your food selection may be scarce due to grocery stores having limited inventory to supply the masses.  Therefore, when buying food, think in advance of being mindful of the nutritional content as well as the viability.  Fresh is always best, so try to buy items such as vegetables, dairy, and protein sources.  Since these will spoil sooner, be sure to buy these same items in canned goods as well.  If at all possible, buy a 30-day supply. This will be your reserve for food if grocery times are ever restricted or if the grocery store has a shortage. 

6. Physical Health

Research has shown that the corona virus tends to affect the elderly and immunocompromised the most. Therefore, one of the best ways to prevent the corona virus is to make sure your health is always in peak state.  One easy way is to make sure you have received your flu shot already.  Receiving your annual flu shot will give you fighting chance to against the common flu thus decreasing your chances to become immunocompromised.  Also, make sure to exercise regularly.  Exercise alone has shown to boost immune responses as well maintain vitality and energy levels. Also, make sure to take your daily vitamins in addition to vitamin c and zinc, as well as eating regular balanced meals.  We know this is a stressful time for everyone, so take time out of your day to meditate, and get a sufficient amount of sleep to ensure your physical health is protected.

7. Create a Nest Egg for Essentials

Essentials can mean anything from money, food, or even medicine.  During these uncertain times, you want to make sure you have access to necessities without having to rely on people.  For example, if you become sick for whatever reason, you want to make sure you have medication on hand if you don’t have immediate access to a hospital.  Basic toiletries such as toothpaste, toothbrush, deodorant, and yes even toilet paper you want to make sure you have enough of if the worst-case scenario of Marshall law preventing our abilities to go grocery shopping.  First aid supplies are also an essential to purchase in the case you had a minor accident at home that required medical attention. This includes antibiotic ointment, antibacterial soap, and face masks and gloves for yourself if you become infected with the corona virus as well.

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